Phospho dev kit
Phospho dev kit
Phospho dev kit

phospho dev kit

The AI-ready robotics dev kit, with built-in remote control.

Train your AI robotics models

Train your AI robotics models

Train your AI robotics models

Start hacking in any language with a few lines of code.

Create datasets and fine-tune models with LeRobot by Huggingface 🤗

Get started with the latest models in AI robotics: Diffusion transformers, OpenVLA, Cogact…

import phosphobot

# Move the real robot
    x=0, y=1, z=0,           # Move left
    rx=10, ry=0, rz=0,       # Rotate
    gripper=1                # Open gripper

# Grab image of what the robot sees
image = phosphobot.get_image()
import phosphobot

# Move the real robot
    x=0, y=1, z=0,     # Move left
    rx=10, ry=0, rz=0, # Rotate
    gripper=1          # Open gripper

# Grab image of what the robot sees
image = phosphobot.get_image()
import phosphobot

# Move the real robot
    x=0, y=1, z=0,     # Move left
    rx=10, ry=0, rz=0, # Rotate
    gripper=1          # Open gripper

# Grab image of what the robot sees
image = phosphobot.get_image()

Unleash your creativity

Family friendly claw machine: Spend hours picking and placing objects.

Ultimate destruction: How much damage can you inflict with Junior’s gripper?

Your virtual girlfriend comes to life: Next level companionship.

Real life Terminator: Will you abide by Asimov’s laws of robotics?

Built-in remote control

Connect to the control module through Wifi in the phospho Meta Quest app.

Move the Robot arm in real time.

Control from aywhere thanks to the stereoscopic camera.

Record datasets.

phospho dev kit content

Unbox, assemble, power on.

We assemble, calibrate and test the Robot arm in our office in Paris, France.

1x Control module Raspberry Pi 5

1x Robot arm SO-ARM100

1x Stereoscopic camera ELP OV9715 (960P2CAM-LC1100)

Power chargers & USB cables

2x Table Clamps

AI robotics training material

Meta Quest app for remote control

Continuous updates



Hands holding sunglasses
Hands holding sunglasses
Hands holding sunglasses
Hands holding sunglasses
Hands holding sunglasses
Hands holding sunglasses

Get your dev kit.
Join the next batch.

Refundable before shipping.

Made by builders, for builders

"A new generation is coming to robotics. We are building the weapons that will let everyone take on the big dogs."
- Pierre-Louis Biojout, cofounder of phospho

Made with 💚 in Paris and San Francisco

Hands holding sunglasses
phospho team
phospho team

Join the adventure

  1. Join our Discord

  2. Come grab a coffee in our Paris office.

  3. Start building with the dev kit.

Specialized or bulk orders? Contact us at

Pictures by Nathan Cussol
Copyright phospho - 2025